Built with .NET 8.0, Harmony is a state of the art project management tool with tons of features already implemented and more being added every day.
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Built with .NET 8.0, Harmony is a state of the art project management tool with tons of features already implemented and more being added every day.
Last updated
Harmony already implements most features if not all, of a Kanban style project management's tool such as Trello. The entire process on how to create workspaces, boards, lists etc.. is described on the GUIDE section of the docs. Expect to see a smooth application with instant updates via WebSocket across all board members.
Scrum projects allow you to plan your work in a backlog and organize cycles of work into sprints. It's recommended for large, complex projects. Harmony's goal is to provide most if not all scrum features provided by Jira.
Automations couldn't miss from Harmony - Configure automations on a simple yet elegant interface.
A retrospective is an opportunity to learn and improve, in a fun environment. To break it down in the simplest way you should cover:
What worked well?
What didn't work well?
What actionable items can we do to improve the situation?
These are generally quick sessions that are not only informative and contribute to the team's functionality and efficiency, but also do something most ‘Retrospectives’ forget to do: Engage the team.
Integrate GitHub using Webhooks and display Git activity directly to your board cards! Branch creation, pushed commits, pull requests, assignees & reviewers are directly available to your board! Read more in the GitHub guide.
All board updates are smoothly synced via WebSocket connection across all connected members
More automations to be added soon..
Starting from version 2.10, retrospective boards are available for scrum projects
Built with best practices, latest technologies and most popular tools and frameworks, broken in isolated and scalable microservices, Harmony can be served via docker containers. Kubernetes deployment is also available!
Powerful search with search engine integration (new)
Display burndown chart (new)
Add, edit and remove comments to a card (new)
Upload profile picture
Configure email notifications
One time small purchase rather than monthly or yearly payments
There are no limitations or premium features! - Everything that becomes available on each release becomes available to use for everyone.
Full source code available (thousands of lines..) - Harmony is built using best code practices and patterns.
For a complete list of features, fixes, enhanced being added to Harmony on every release, you can always check the changelog