SQL Server

Harmony has a dependency to SQL Server databases which can be installed on Windows or Linux. After installing an SQL Server instance, proceed by creating the required databases and configuring the connection strings for the following two databases:

  1. Harmony: The core database used by the Harmony.Api server app, containing all the core tables and their relationships, e.g. Workspaces, Boards or Cards.

  2. Harmony.Notifications.Jobs: The database used by the Harmony.Notifications web app, containing all the HangFire required tables and one more.

  3. Harmony.Automations.Jobs: The database used by the Harmony.Automations web app, containing all the HangFire required tables and one more.

Harmony database configuration

Database connection string

Configure the HarmonyConnection SQL Server's connection string existing in the appsettings.json file at the root of the Harmony.Api project to point to your SQL Server instance.

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "HarmonyConnection": "Server=.;Database=Harmony;Integrated Security=True;TrustServerCertificate=True"

Database migrations

You can run the database migrations either manually or let the projects run them for you during startup.

Run migrations through Visual Studio

When running migrations through Visual Studio, open the Package Manager Console and set the Default project to src\Infrastructure\Harmony.Persistence. This should be the default project when running other migrations as well (NotificationContext & AutomationContext examples following)

Run the following command to create the database:

Update-Database -Context HarmonyContext -StartUpProject Harmony.Api

Migrations command require that you have previously setup your database connection string properly.

In case you decide to create a new migration, follow the same procedure by replacing the command with the following:

Add-Migration MyCustomMigrationName -Context HarmonyContext -StartUpProject Harmony.Api

Run migrations using a command line

You can run database migrations from a command line as well. First you need to have installed EF Core tools.

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef

In case you had previously installed a dotnet-ef version other than the latest, update it by running the following command: dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef

  1. Open a terminal and navigate at the root of the Harmony.Persistence project, where the HarmonyContext database context class exists.

  2. Run the dotnet ef command to create the database

dotnet ef database update --context HarmonyContext --startup-project "../../Services/Harmony.Api/Harmony.Api.csproj"

In case you have installed a local SQL Server on a Linux machine accepting a Developer license, you need to add Encrypt=False; at the end of your connection string before running migration commands, otherwise you will get an error. Also keep in mind that for Linux SQL Server installations your connection string should use username and password rather than windows authentication. Harmony has been tested successfully on Windows and an Ubuntu 22.04 machine. SQL Server for Ubuntu was installed following this guide.

Just a reminder here: It's optional to run the migrations by yourself because they will run by default at startup. At a later release, this will be active only in debug mode.

To disable the automatic migrations remove the following line from the ApplicationBuilderExtensions class.


Harmony.Notifications & Harmony.Automations jobs database configuration

Database connection string

Configure the SQL Server's HarmonyJobsConnection connection strings existing in the appsettings.json file at the root of the Harmony.Notifications & Harmony.Automations projects to point to your SQL Server instance.

Harmony.Notifications appsettings.json

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "HarmonyJobsConnection": "Server=.;Database=Harmony.Notifications.Jobs;Integrated Security=True;TrustServerCertificate=True"

Harmony.Automations appsettings.json

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "HarmonyJobsConnection": "Server=.;Database=Harmony.Automations.Jobs;Integrated Security=True;TrustServerCertificate=True"

Database migrations

Use the same process & commands you used for Harmony database and Harmony.Api projects except that you have to change the following two parameters:

  • -Context: NotificationContext or AutomationContext

  • -StartUpProject: Harmony.Notifications or Harmony.Automations


Update-Database -Context NotificationContext -StartUpProject Harmony.Notifications
Update-Database -Context AutomationContext -StartUpProject Harmony.Automations
pageMongoDB Server

Last updated