Sum up story points

A great way to reduce the manual work of keeping story points up to date

The Sum up story points automation can be used to update the parent issue story points by calculating the total sum of story points existing on the sub tasks.

Navigate to the Settings => Automation view of your board and select to Configure the Sum up story points automation. A drawer will open where you can configure the following options:

  • Name: Give a descriptive name for your automation. Currently you may create only one rule for this automation.

  • Description: This is a disabled field, automatically filled for you in order to help you understand how the automation behaves.

  • Issue types: Select the issue types that the automation will apply for. For example, if you select on the Story type, then the automation will only run for issues of type Story. All other issue types won't be affected. Leave the issue types empty and the automation will run for all issue types.

In case you try to directly update the story points for a parent issue while the automation is active, you will get an error message saying that story points are being calculated from subtasks.

Last updated