Sync parent and child tasks

This automation is triggered when all of a card's children are moved to a specific status (board list) and conditionally syncs the parent issue.

Navigate to the Settings => Automation view of your board and select to Configure the Sync parent and child tasks automation. A drawer will open where you can configure the following options:

  • Name: Give a descriptive name for your automation. You can create more than one automations for the same type.

  • Description: This is a disabled field, automatically filled for you in order to help you understand how the automation will behave.

  • From status: The parent issue will be synced only if belongs to any of the selected lists. Leave empty if you wish to always sync.

  • To status: The parent issue will sync when all children are moved to any of the selected lists. Leave empty and the parent issue will always be synced with children.

Last updated